Uzaritara / ®AYFGA

The ®AYFGA is like the AYFGA, but, currently, smaller. Our mission is to help AYFGA and other groups to defeat the YFGA. Uzaritara is a fictional country.


The RAYFGA was formed all the way back in March. 2024. It was originally known as the IPF. Later on, probably some time in April, it rebranded a few times and then finally rebranded to the VTRU, or the Virtual Threat Response Unit. Later on, the VTRU server died and it was nuked a few times, all of those few times did nothing to the server. A little before this, another group was created by the same person who created the VTRU. It was called the TYFGA. The TYFGA was formed in either April or May. The TYFGA would then rebrand a few times, until it was rebranded to TYFGA®. Then, something terrible happened. Some people nuked the TYFGA® server. 4 boosts gone. 170 members gone. But, i wouldn't let the TYFGA fall that easily. We all moved to the bunker, and as soon as we did, people joined and spammed gore. It was fine though, I had stopped that from happening like 5 minutes later. It was a pain in the ass to rebuild the entirety of that last server, that's way i almost quit social media half way through. A day or 2 later though, the server was... bigger. We were growing. We went from 170 members, down to 20, to 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, etc. We were growing. Again. We don't have our boosts but we will get them back someday. The TYFGA rebranded a few times, from TYFGA to TYFGA®, TYFGA©, WMCE and finally... RAYFGA. -- June 14, ®AYFGA rebrands to Uzaritara temporarily.

Version 1.2